Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Going To The Movies? My Most Anticipated Films by Dave Klimek

Let me start off by saying that while I love movies, it takes something special for me to venture to the theater. Waiting 4 months for a DVD to come out is getting easier and easier when compared with the cost of a ticket and snacks, the crowds and noise at my local theater. That said, there are times when even I will pry open the wallet and venture out to the theater for an event. So when Avatar was released in 3D, I was there. When Clash of the Titans or No Strings Attached came out, I stayed away. That said, there are 10 movies coming out in the next 12-18 months that are on my radar and just may get me to venture on out once again.

10 Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter: I’ll admit, I didn’t read the book. However hearing that there may be “good” vampires makes me nostalgic for Angel (sorry Twilight fans). The combination of mixing accurate historical facts (I assume minus the Vampires) into the story also appeals to my fascination with history. Let’s hope the decision to make it in 3D doesn’t blind the crew and take away from story itself.

9 James Bond 23: So, in the midst of their financial woes, MGM has figured a way to release another James Bond movie? As long as the plot isn’t Bond navigating the complex partnerships it is going to take to release this film, it should be a great move. Daniel Craig is back as 007 and has added some new life into the franchise. Personally, I went through a period of time where I had no interest in James Bond (Pierce Bronson, Timothy Dalton, and even an aging Sean Connery in Never Say Never Again) just didn’t capture the magic of Sean Connery in Dr. No or even Roger Moore’s spin on the character in movies like Live and Let Die. Craig revitalized that interest for me and in my opinion is neck and neck with early Sean Connery as the quintessential Bond.

8 Red State: I admit that I am a sucker for Kevin Smith movies and his focus on dialogue. I realized Smith was different for me early on in Clerks as Dante and Randall discussed whether or not the independent contractors working on the uncompleted Death Star from Star Wars were innocent victims when it was destroyed by the Rebels. I became hooked as he gave his take on religion (Dogma), Lesbianism (Chasing Amy) and even shopping malls (Mallrats). OK that wasn’t really about shopping. I even stayed loyal through Zack and Mirni. That said, while I don’t know much about Red State other than it will be (another) one of Smith’s views on fundamentalist religion, he already had me at Death Star.

7 Odd Thomas / The Dark Tower: I list these 2 movies with trepidation since the majority of Steven King/Dean Koontz books made into movies ultimately fail (The Stand/Carrie excluded). However as a devoted reader of both authors, I have to hope that this will be the one(s) to break through. I list them both to increase my odds!

6 OZ - Great and Powerful: A 2012 release that will provide the origin story of the Wizard. I love origin stories and Wizard of Oz still ranks in my top movies of all time, yet I have been largely unsatisfied with any other forays back into the this world. The books Wicked & Son of a Witch? Couldn’t follow for long. The Wiz? Nope. Muppet Wizard of Oz?. Nada. Return to Oz? Seriously? Tin Man was enjoyable but very loosely based on the movie. That said, this movie starring James Franco promises to fulfill my yearning for another adventure in the land of OZ.

5 The Hobbit (Unexpected Journey & There and Back again). Yes, I’ve lumped another two movies together. It seems the trend these days is to make multiple movies out of a single book. However, with the Hobbit, its’ been a long time coming. With Peter Jackson, Orlando Bloom and Ian Mckellan involved, I have high expectations. We know that Bilbo, Gandalf, Elrond and Legolas will survive but we also knew that Anakin would fall to the Dark Side and become Darth Vader, so I am not overly concerned. However, I am not sold that Bilbo will be as relatable as Frodo as a main protagonist, but I will have to trust in Jackson and the source material.

4 Despicable Me 2: As a father to 3 young children who are addicted to Despicable Me, I have a personal longing for this movie if for no other reason that I will not have to watch the original for the 317th straight time.

3 The Avengers: My only question is how so many superheroes will get enough screen time within a 2 hour movie. Ensemble casts work well when there are not too many big name actors (compare Lord of the Rings with Expendables). How will it work with both the actors and their characters having super egos? While that remains to be seen (literally), I am too intrigued by the characters to not go see it. And while I will hope for a civil war type plot from the comics, I will be satisfied just getting these “super” personalities all on screen together….that is until Justice League of America gets announced.

2 The Hunger Games. I am in the middle of reading this trilogy and it already has become an addictive read for me. For someone who couldn’t get through the Twilight books (OK I did but it was painful), I have been searching for another series that would capture my attention like Harry Potter did. The first book (and this movie) will focus on post apocalyptic world where kids have to fight for the death every year as punishment for a failed revolt against the government. The casting seems spot on and the story is a winner.

1 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II: For loyal viewers and readers like myself who have followed both the characters and the actors as they grew up over the course of the story, this feels like I am saying goodbye to a good friend. For those that read the book and seen the trailers, this promises to be a yet again darker chapter in the overall story arc and the culmination of Good versus Evil in the wizarding world of Harry Potter.

What will it take to get you out to the movies?


  1. Great job dave... link color might need to be changed tho, lol

  2. Dave, I disagree with your statement with "the majority of King movies." I think that's a common misconception. There is a lot of bad. However, when you take into consideration The Stand, IT, Storm of the Century, Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, The Mist, Children of the Corn, Carrie, The Shining, Misery, Pet Semetary, Creepshow, Cujo, Silver Bullet, Firestarter, Stand By Me, Sometimes They Come Back, Dolores Clairborne, Dreamcatcher, Secret Window, Desperation and 1408 are good to great films, its hard to say "the majority" any more. I think that may have been true as of the late 80s, but King's work has gotten a lot more respect on film. That may have something to with technology advancing. It very much has something to do with guys like Mick Garris and Frank Durabont treating King's works with the respect they deserve.

  3. Ron, I appreciate you taking the time to comment on our work, well Dave's. I agree King has had success, particularly in the non horror, Koontz however typically gets morons adapting his work, I get the sense that this time will be different, for one because Koontz said no more movies, so someone must have convinced him. I really like several King movies, It, Secret Window, Carrie, The Mist (even though I really didn't buy the ending, if they were in more immediate danger I would have), Cujo and others. Personally I didn't really get The Stand, but I even thought Needful Things was okay.

  4. Interesting take on King. I could agree that Shawshank, Stand by me, Shining and perhaps the Green Mile were good to very good movies. Personally, as a reader of his work, the others were extremely disappointing to me. Maybe because the books were so outstanding to me (ie Cujo and Mist). Desperation is a great example (for me)) where the books (I'll throw in Regulators) were very entertaining to me and I disliked the movie immensely. But your point of the term majority is a fair one. As more and more get made, majority is probably a very loose term with a lot of personal preference and for me, I meet King (and Koontz) movies with skepticism and am surprised when a Stand comes along. Now I can just hope they DON'T make under the dome due to it's horrible ending unless they are allowed to rewrite it! Thanks for commenting!
